Looking Forward to the rest of 2024…

Ganymede Outriders have been fulfilled! All digital files and physical copies have been sent out – and I’ve even seen some photos of them in the wild! If you backed, and have your copy – I’d love to see it – post a photo in our Discord channel, or hit me up on socials!

If you didn’t back Ganymede Outriders, and are keen to see what it’s all about, you can find it on Itch here, and on DriveThruRPG here. Physical copies are available from the Caradoc Games webstore, and will soon be available from Exalted Funeral and Indie Press Revolution!

So what else is coming from Caradoc Games in 2024?

With Every Fibre is the next game coming from Caradoc Games. A rules light OSR style fantasy game, With Every Fibre uses 1D10 for skill tests, and a range of dice types for damage. The game is designed for quick test resolutions, and has some fun rules, including traits characters can learn and unlock – which allow them to use special abilities with different weapons – like using a great sword to attack multiple opponents, or a great axe to re-roll damage dice.

I’ve had a lot of fun playtesting this game, and already have a number of adventures underway, or already ready to release (with the game of course). Trouble at the Farmstead and Behind the Wall include a full adventure with art and maps, as well as additional rules, while The Old Sounding Tower is a cross fold adventure with a map, perfect for a one shot, or for a couple of short sessions in between longer games.

I’m thrilled with how With Every Fibre is coming together, and have had a lot of fun playtesting it over the last few months. Keep an eye open for With Every Fibre hitting Kickstarter in late July or early August!