
On Minis Games

The On Minis Games podcast…

On Minis Games is hosted by myself and my good friend Quinton, both of us have more miniatures for more miniatures games than we are ever likely to be able to get to the table, and are passionate about this style of game. We don’t plan on covering any specific miniatures game in extreme detail, many games have dedicated podcasts. We’re aiming at something more general, a resource for those interested in the hobby, and, hopefully, some entertaining discussion on a variety of miniatures games.

We aim to keep the trademark roundtable in place, with a focus on a specific game or company, or an aspect of the hobby like painting, or terrain building. Our goal is to keep episodes around the 30-50 minute mark, and hopefully this is something we can manage!

You can find our episodes here.
And you can find our rss here.

Jump over and participate in our Guild on BGG here!


Inverse Genius

I have recorded a couple of segments with Donald Dennis of the On Board Games podcast for the new show, the Inverse Genius Podcast. The Inverse Genius podcast is a show that covers books, movies, TV series, comics, games and a bunch of other topics, with a range of podcasters you might be familiar with from various board game podcasts.


Element 270

I am one of the hosts of the Element 270 Podcast, a podcast that is dedicated to Spartan Games.  If you are interested in miniature gaming, particularly Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Firestorm Armada, and Firestorm Planetfall, then check us out! Element 270 has been retired…


Games in Schools and Libraries

I am a (long absent) co-host, alongside the most excellent Donald Dennis, of the Games in Schools and Libraries podcast.  THE show about board, card and digital games, and the ways in which they can find a place in the classroom or at the local library.

Or can email us at: gsl@gamesschoolslibraries.com

You can also join our guild at boardgamegeek, here.

Most importantly you can find our RSS feed here.


On Board Games

I am (very irregularly) a voice on the wonderful On Board Games podcast. If you are a fan of board and card games, they are well worth checking out!


The Dice Tower

Many moons ago I was a contributor to The Dice Tower, a fantastic variety show on board games. Tom Vasel and I also recorded ten episodes on a short podcast series called Teaching Strategies for the Games For Educators website.